These are the questions we get asked most often
How long do the batteries last?
When we started engineering we were planning to use rechargeable batteries, much like you get in an electric toothbrush. However, because you only need to use the Loogun for short bursts in order to clean the toilet, the actual power usage is very low per use.
During our interval testing we had our assembly configured to pump fluid continuously out of a reservoir and back into the reservoir through the nozzle. This meant that no refilling was required. Using fresh AA batteries, we ran 15 minute continuous intervals and the current and voltage was noted between each interval. After interval 9, while dirt was still being adaquately cleaned off the surface, it was the minimum acceptable before the batteries would need replacing. Estimating the average time for each usage to be 30 seconds, this would indicate the total number of uses to be 270 on a single set of batteries, or 9 months if used once a day.
It is important to note that during these continuous tests, the batteries become warm and this affects the battery power considerably. In everyday use, less heat is generated therefore the batteries perform better than the above tests describe.
While using prototypes in our homes, we've noted the batteries last around 8 months, but we tend to use the device a lot more than average due to ongoing testing.
A full list of recommended batteries and which to avoid is available on our blog. It's important to always check that the batteries you're using are specifically designed for high-drain devices.